Are you white? Take care! – Ives Gandra

I confess that it is not my style to post link's other but for being white, of Italian descent (25 million in our country) and feel that this is an issue that can not go unnoticed by both me and for all white, not too far, to create real wealth of this country from the great migrations. Below the post of eminent Ives Gandra, found on the website of "mestizo nation."

Support: AlibiJus

Are you white? Take care! – Ives Gandra

BRASÍLIA - Today, I got the impression that the 'ordinary and white' is aggressively discriminated against by the authorities and infra-constitutional legislation, in favor of other citizens, if they are Indians, African descent, homosexuals or self-declared minorities subjected to possible prejudices.

So it is that if a white, Indian or African descent have the same note on a college entrance exam, just above the cut line for admission into universities and places are limited, the white will be deleted immediately, in favor of one . On equal terms, white is inferior and a citizen should be discriminated against, despite the highest law.

The Indians, who by the Constitution (Article 231) should only be entitled to the lands they occupy on October 5, 1988, by infra-law had the right to lands they occupied in the past.

Less than half a million Indians in Brazil - not counting the Argentines, Bolivians, Paraguayans, Uruguayans wishing to be benefited as well - have become owners of 15% of the country, while the other 183 million inhabitants have only 85% of it. In this exegesis of misguided Supreme Law, not all Brazilian Indians were discriminated against. The 'maroon', which should only be the descendants of participants of Maroon and not Black people in general who live around those old communities, has been designed also parcel of land considerably higher than the Constitution allows (art 68. ADCT), a clear discrimination against the citizen who does not fit that concept.

Homosexuals had, of President Lula and Minister Roussef, the right to have a conference funded by public money, to highlight trends, something that an ordinary citizen would never get. The invaders of land, which violates every day, the Constitution, will go over to retirement, an explicit acknowledgment that the government considers it more legitimate, meritorious conduct consistent in attacking the law.

This is clear discrimination against the ordinary citizen, unemployed, who do not have this 'privilege', because it fulfills the law. Deserters and murderers, who in the past participated in the guerrilla, its descendants pulpy guarantee compensation, paid by Brazilian taxpayers. Is, today, around 4 billion reais what is withdrawn Paying tribute to 'compensate' those who decided to take arms against the government or military said they were persecuted. And there are so many breakdowns, which is to ask: what is the value item IV of article. 3º of the Supreme Law? How modest lawyer, citizen and white, I feel discriminated against and less and less space, this land of castes and privileges.

by: Ives Gandra da Silva Martins*

* Ives Gandra da Silva Martins is renowned professor emeritus of universities and Mackenzie UniFMU and the School of Command and the Army and Chairman of Legal Studies of the Federation of Trade of São Paulo.

Support: AlibiJus

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